Survival on Wheels: The Best Emergency Foods to Store in Your Vehicle for Preparedness

by Nathan Scott

Have you ever considered what type of Emergency Foods you should keep in your vehicle in case you find yourself in a bugout scenario?  A well-stocked vehicle with food that has a long shelf life, is nutritionally rich, and easy to prepare will make all the difference should you face a life-threatening scenario.

Check out the following emergency foods you should consider keeping in your vehicle:



Beef Jerky

Beef jerky is a tasty snack that is high in protein and calories. It’s also a food that has a shelf-life of up to two years and can withstand the temperature extremes that occur in most vehicles.

  • Calories per ounce: 88 calories
  • Protein per ounce: 9.4 grams





Instant Oatmeal

As long as you have a way to boil water, instant oatmeal is a meal that is quick and easy to prepare. Instant oatmeal also has a shelf-life of up to two years, making it an ideal food item for long-term storage. Instant oatmeal isn’t very high in fats or protein, but it does offer a lot of filling carbs.

  • Calories per ounce: 105 calories
  • Carbs per ounce: 21 grams




Mixed Nuts

Mixed nuts make for a convenient snack that is high in calories and protein. They require no preparation to eat and can give you a quick boost of energy when you need it the most.

  • Calories per ounce: 164
  • Protein per ounce: 6 grams




Trail Mix

Like mixed nuts, but with more variety, trail mix is a tasty, calorie-rich snack that is easy to store and requires no preparation to eat. The dried fruits in trail mix offer plenty of energy-boosting sugars while the mixed nuts offer protein and healthy fats.

Just be sure to purchase trail mix that doesn’t contain chocolate or anything else that might melt in a hot car.

  • Calories per ounce: 151 calories
  • Protein per ounce: 3.9 grams




Ramen Noodles

Ramen noodles don’t offer much in way of nutrients, but they are a tasty snack that can be stored for years without spoiling. Ramen noodles are also high in sodium, enabling you to replace the sodium you lose through sweating.

While Ramen noodles can be eaten without any preparation, they will be much more enjoyable if you have a way to boil water.

  • Calories per ounce: 127 calories
  • Sodium per ounce: 577 mg

MREs (Meals Ready to Eat)

If you’ve ever served in the military, chances are you’re familiar with MREs. These pre-packaged meals can easily be purchased in bulk by civilians. MREs are easy to store, have a long shelf-life, and require essentially no preparation, making them an ideal food item to store in your vehicle.

While the macronutrients of MREs will vary from meal to meal, they are typically filling and nutritious – even if they aren’t the best tasting cuisine in the world.







Powdered Gatorade

Storing powdered Gatorade in your vehicle will give you a tasty alternative to bottled water. It’s also full of energy-boosting sugars to get you through the day and has a two-year shelf-life if left unopened.

  • Calories per ounce (when added to water): 7.9 calories
  • Sugars per ounce (when added to water): 1.6 grams








Bottled Water

Bottled water isn’t a food per se, but it is one of the most important things you can store in your vehicle if you are preparing for a bugout scenario. While the human body can go weeks without food, it can only go a matter of days without water before dying from dehydration.

In addition, water is a necessary ingredient for preparing many of the other food items you might store in your vehicle. Whatever food items you decide on, make sure a large package of bottled water is on the list.




Pinto Beans

Pinto beans are a prepper staple thanks to the fact that they are filling, easy to prepare, and have a shelf-life that is near indefinite. Pinto beans are also high in both calories and protein, and they are one of the healthier food items that can be stored in a vehicle for an extended period of time.

Of course, in order to prepare pinto beans, you will need water, a container, and the ability to start a fire.

  • Calories per ounce: 89 calories
  • Protein per ounce: 6.1 grams





Protein Bars

As the name suggests, protein bars are one of the best ways to quickly consume a large amount of protein on the go. Protein bars are also very filling, high in calories, and quite tasty as well.

If you are looking for a convenient food item that offers plenty of bang for your buck when it comes to protein and calories, protein bars are a great option.

  • Calories per ounce: Variable




SPAM is neither the healthiest nor the best tasting meat product, but it is one of the only meat products that can be stored outside a refrigerator for up to five years without spoiling. If calories and protein are what you are after, SPAM isn’t that bad in terms of nutritional value either.

Like Ramen noodles, the high sodium count of SPAM can also help you replace the sodium that you lose through sweating during the strenuous process of bugging out.

  • Calories per ounce: 87 calories
  • Protein per ounce: 3.5 grams
  • Sodium per ounce: 544 mg

Macaroni and Cheese

If you’ve found this list devoid of your favorite foods thus far, you may be happy to learn that delicious macaroni and cheese is also a great food for storing in your vehicle. Mac and cheese is a tasty food item that can be quickly prepared.

It’s also a food item with a long shelf-life and one that is very filling and rich in calories. Of course, it’s also another food that requires boiled water to prepare.

 Calories per ounce: 108 calories






Instant Coffee

Given how much energy a bugout scenario requires, you are going to need all of the energy-boosters that you can get. Unlike ground coffee, which only has a shelf-life of a few months, instant coffee can be stored for up to twenty years without spoiling.

Best of all, instant coffee is also much easier to prepare. These two qualities make instant coffee an obvious choice for storing in your vehicle.

  • Calories per ounce (when added to water): 1.5 calories




Breakfast Bars

Typically made out of oats and some kind of dried fruit, breakfast bars are a nutritious and filling snack that has a long shelf-life and is convenient to eat on the go.

  • Calories: Variable










Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds require a little more effort to eat than most foods, meaning they aren’t exactly the best way to fill up quickly. With that said, sunflower seeds do offer a number of other benefits that make them a great food to store in your vehicle.

For one, sunflower seeds are a healthy snack that is high in sodium. Sunflower seeds are also enjoyable to eat and can be a stress reliever during long car rides.

  • Calories per ounce: 162 calories




Peanut Butter Pouches

  • Peanut butter is a food that is rich in both protein and calories, and buying it in pouches is the most convenient way to store and eat it. If you are looking for an energy-boosting snack that packs plenty of calories and protein into a lightweight, easy to store package, then peanut butter pouches are an ideal choice.
  • Protein per ounce: 7 grams
  • Calories per ounce: 186 calories


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