Powerful Preparations: 27 Essential Items for Safeguarding Yourself During Power Outages

by Nathan Scott

When I was living in San Diego, California, the power went out for almost 24 hours.  Sure, we had a few candles, a flashlight, an AM radio and batteries; however, it took me a long time to find everything that was spread throughout my home, because it was dark.

Never again, I promised myself that next time I would be prepared, and put everything I need for the next power outage in one place, in one or more plastic containers.

I’m sure you’ve experienced a situation similar to this, or something much worse.  To avoid being without the necessary items when your power goes out for 24-hours, for days, or for weeks, consider putting together a Comprehensive Power Outage Kit.

Power Outage Kit Items:

  1. Flashlights in Every Room
  2. LED Flashlights
  3. Rechargeable Flashlights
  4. Rechargeable Batteries
  5. Battery Charger
  6. Solar Battery Charger
  7. Rechargeable Work Lights
  8. Solar Indoor Lights
  9. Dynamo Flashlights Charges with Hand Crank
  10. Dynamo AM Radio (Charges with Hand Crank)
  11. Emergency AM Radio
  12. Extra batteries for all battery powered items
  13. Glow Sticks
  14. Kerosene/Oil Lamps
  15. Lamp Oil
  16. Extra Wicks
  17. Hurricane Lanterns
  18. Propane Lamps
  19. Propane Bottles
  20. Matches
  21. Power Bank
  22. Extra Extension Cords
  23. 24-Hour or Longer Candles
  24. Whistle for signaling
  25. Battery Tester
  26. Playing Cards
  27. Plastic Storage Container(s)

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