America’s Approaching Judgement!

by Nathan Scott

In America today, we are collapsing morally at every level of society and the United States is ripe for God’s Judgement.

America will soon witness the Wrath of God Against the following Unholiness, Wickedness, Unrighteousness, and Abominations:

  1. Gender insanity. Boys are not girls and never can be, but gender anarchists keep working hard to conceal biology from our sons and daughters, so the number of gender confused youth has exploded.
  1. The mutilation of young bodies continues in “gender clinics” at children’s hospitals throughout the country with risks usually withheld from the young patient or the parents.
  1. Purposeful Sexual confusion of our kids.  Homosexual, bisexual and transgender behavior continues to increase among our youth, and the mainstream media fails to report this alarming, life-changing trend. 
  1. Schools are corrupting students, with pornography-infused material that normalizes hook-ups and high risk “LGBTQ” behavior.
  2. Chemical abortions rising. The tragedy of abortion has increased with the number of private, chemical abortions continued to rise. The left wants these dangerous Abortion medications to be easily available, over-the-counter.
  1. Late term abortion and infanticide. The Biden Administration and many Governors favors abortion even after birth.
  1. Hatred of Christians and religious liberty.  Vicious actions and hate speech directed to believers in Jesus are becoming acceptable and commonplace. Restrictions on religious freedom are openly proposed by Democratic Party leaders, with the Biden Administration pledging to move quickly to restrict First Amendment religious liberty under a label of “discrimination,” fulfilling a long-desired goal of “LGBTQ” activists.

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